【同义词辨析】 2019-07-22 追随follower-partisan

follower: denotes a person who attaches himself either to the person or beliefs of another: an evangelist and his ~s.   attach把一个东西连接固定到另一个上,添加附件to connect or fasten one thing to another,如attach the coupon to the front of your letter把优惠券附在信的正面。这里表示交往联系to associate, connect with someone,如he attached himself to an older, wealthy woman他和一个比他大的富有女人交往)  evangelist布道者,福音作者,写作圣经四福音的人

adherent: suggests a close and persistent attachment: ~s to the cause.   事业

disciple: implies a devoted allegiance to the teachings of one chosen as a master: ~s of Gandhi.   (devote本意是投入,这里比喻忠诚faithful,如her devotion to duty她对职责的忠诚)       (master是多义词,可以表示主人能手硕士大师宗师,这里表示大师或宗师religious or arts teachers or leaders,如功夫熊猫里的乌龟都叫他master大师, 如伊索寓言有一篇寓意every one is more or less the master of his own fate每个人都或多或少是自己命运的主人)

partisan: suggests a zealous often prejudiced attachment: ~s of the President.   prejudice偏见,负面观点     (新闻中常有to vote along partisan(party) lines,表示按党派投票,不同的党派成员只投自己党派,意见完全不同,如The senate voted on the bill along partisan lines参议院投票该法案时两意见完全不同)

follower追随者: 表示跟随他人观念的人,adherent追随者: 表示始终紧密的追随者,disciple弟子: 指效忠大师宗师教导的人,partisan党派成员: 是热情甚至偏激的追随者

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         2)追随的意思是与跟随某人mean one who attaches himself to another.